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Monthly Meeting with Karl Ekberg from the Chattooga River Fly Shop

Our April 17th speaker will be Karl Ekberg, owner of the Chattooga River Fly Shop.

Here's what I will speak about and probably a few more things as they come to mind...

The Bartram's Bass Season & Bart's Day, Dry Fly Season Upon Us, How the Delayed Harvest Areas & Other River Areas are Fishing, Product Information about: Fly Line, Leader, & Tippet, New Fly Tying Ideas, Fly Rods, and hopefully a lot of questions from all of you folks which I can answer.

BIO: I grew up in New Hampshire where I started my fly fishing experiences. Through graduating at the Culinary Institute of America in New York, I returned to New Hampshire and the New England area for many years prior to coming to the warmth of South Carolina. After many years as an Executive Chef, retiring to be a Fly Shop owner with Karen seemed a lot less stressful and a much better lifestyle. Now after being in business almost eleven years, life in Mountain Rest, South Carolina was the best decision life had in hand.